Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nebraska Learns 2.0 Resolutions for 2015

I have that feeling that Christa wrote about - -of being buried at work and missing out on learning new things.  I got the book for the January book club and sadly, have only read a few chapters. We just finished an Inventory project at my branch so that was the main focus for this past month.  We also have our own Always Learning Leadership training online training through Versal which takes only 4 hours a month - and luckily can be done at home now that we have available through remote access. I'm almost caught up on that so I can start February's course on Productivity!  I know everyone says you need to schedule time for learning- and I've found that the only way to do that is first thing in the morning BEFORE opening email.  So my FIRST RESOLUTION for my learning is to schedule the first hour of my day on Thursdays and Fridays (typically the slowest days of the week at my branch) -for my learning!  SECOND RESOLUTION is to get started on using LAST PASS for my password management. I've heard it talked about, looked at it, but haven't done anything.  THIRD RESOLUTION is to spend less time in front of a computer screen.  My eyes are begging me to do this.  Here we go!